Spain Weather Forecast – Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly |

To find Spain weather forecasts and other weather related media outlets in Spain, look no further than you would anywhere else in the world. Spain’s weather forecasts can be found at any online weather database, or any local news channel while in Spain. Basic TV and radio news channels will surely give any weather related information needed to tourists and residents alike.

Some of the popular websites that you can find Spain weather forecasts are:,, and Some of the TV stations you can find weather forecasts on are: CNN, The Weather Channel, and the local news channel provided in Spain.

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No matter where you go in Spain, the weather forecast for each season stays to a strict guideline. In winter, Madrid temperatures rarely are lower than freezing. Weather there is usually in the 50’s and 60’s (fahrenheit). In the Spring, the weather is more mild, but it still can rain occasionally. Summer is very hot, but that does not stop people from visiting Spain. The coastal regions can be cooler than the inland regions.

The mountains ranges of Ancares, and Ocourel are actually rather cool. Night time temperatures are ideal for being outside. September happens to still be warm, whereas October brings colder weather. Weather in September is known for sunny days while not having the intense heat of August. Rain occurs more frequently, but does not have the rain that other months bring to Spain.

When forecasting the weather in Spain, one must remember that the climate varies all over in Spain, due to its large size and hilly terrain. Visitors can usually expect a Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, more rainy winters. The large central plateau, has a continental climate with hot, dry summers and colder winters. Rain falls in spring and autumn, for the most part. The mountains surrounding the plateau have a higher rainfall and usually experience heavy snowfalls in winter.

To the north of most of the mountain ranges in Spain, they have a climate that is maritime, usually having cool summers and somewhat warmer winters. The maritime climate in the northern part of the country, from the Pyrenees Mountains to the northwest region, are characterized by relatively mild winters, warm but not hot summers, and generally abundant rainfall spread out over the year.

Temperatures vary slightly. The moderating effects of the sea, however, affect in the inland areas. Distance from the Atlantic Ocean also affects rainfall, and there is less rainfall in the east than in the west. Autumn is the wettest season, whereas July is the driest month. The high humidity and off-shore winds make fog and mist common along the northwest coast; this occurrence is less frequent at a short distance inland, due to this the mountains form a barrier keeping out most of the sea moisture.

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The weather is quite often cloudy with frequent chances of rainfall. Along the Mediterranean coast, the climate is more moderate with rainfall being more common in the spring and autumn. The Balearic islands have a maritime climate, with cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The Canary Islands have an even warmer climate. The coastal areas are usually fairly mild, but the interior, can become very hot during the day, and very cold at night.

No matter where one travels in Spain, expect these types of weather forecasts for each region, and season. To find information on any Spain weather forecast, check out the local Spanish TV or radio stations, or visit any of the weather forecast websites mentioned.