Places to visit in Spain – Where to visit in Spain

Valencia City Spain

Valencia City Spain

Where to visit in Spain for the best weather.

People come to Spain every year in droves looking for some “guaranteed” sunshine and a nice relaxing holiday, but despite the proliferation of TV shows highlighting why one should move to Spain, it’s not always hot and sunny here!

Of course not everyone wants to come in Spain when it’s hot and sunny, in fact many British expats who live in Spain, return to the UK for the month of August as the heat get’s unbearable for them.

The temperatures in many places around Spain during high summer can regularly hit the 40s or 50s on the thermometer, and the pace of life slows down, it has to, so people can cope with the heat.

Sun worshipping in Spain

Despite the assertion that Spain is not sunny all year round, the country still does, on average, enjoy around 300 sunny days each year but as Spain is such a large country, you may be surprised to learn that other areas do not enjoy as much sunshine as others.

The sunniest and warmest parts of Spain are to be found in the south, in places such as Granada where around 130 days per year are bright and sunny, with not a cloud in the Sky. Nearby Huelva boasts even more bright, clear days, enjoying as it does, on average 156 days of bright sun each year.

This is in contrast to other interesting places to visit in Spain such as Madrid, Spain’s capital city, with around 100 clear and sunny days per year. This is of course relating to when there is not a cloud in the sky. Other days, with a scant amount of cloud, can still see the bright and strong sunny rays beaming down and baking the land beneath and all who occupy it.

Many Spanish people are well aware of the power of the sun in Spain and any street in any town during July and August; you will observe all pedestrians walking on the shaded side of the street, and out of the sun.

Places to escape the Spanish heat

Not everyone enjoys the heat and the sun, it has to be said. You may even hear the locals who spend year after year under the bright hot thing in the sky, often complain about the heat too, usually with a loud “Que Calor!” (What heat!)

Many people who live in urban areas in Spain such as Madrid or Valencia enjoy good weather for most of the year, although winter times in these places can be cold, but nowhere near as cold as the UK. The average winter temperature in Valencia is 52 degrees farenheight, but this can climb to 85 degrees in August

During July and August in these main cities, many of the occupants choose to leave the sweltering heat and escape to the coast, often to places like Santander in Northern Spain, which has around 38 days of bright, clear sunny skies each year, a stark contrast to places like Seville in the south, with an average of 129 days of sun each year and average summer temperatures of 45 degrees

Spain has far more than beaches, so choose which month to visit carefully!

Spain is not just full of beaches, but it is a diverse and varied country and coming here in the hottest months can seriously restrict your actives and ability to go where you want to go. For mountain walking holidays or any outdoor pursuit such as equestrian vacations, for example, many people come to Spain in the colder months such as March or April, but still enjoy bright, clear, crystal blue skies, but without the fierce heat restricting what hours they can be outdoors from and to.

The weather in Spain is as diverse as the countries culture and history and if you choose to come to Spain this year, be very aware of the different climates around the country, the average rainfall in Spain, and the typical sunshine index and you will be able to plan exactly which type of holiday you want to take.